A leading asthma specialist in Gurgaon- Pulmorehab Clinic
About Pulmorehab Clinic Pulmo Rehab clinic is a Super-specialty rehabilitation center where we study and practice Cardio- Pulmonary Allied Sciences. Our thorough rehab program helps many patients around the country to improve health and focuses on our patients who are suffering from problems related to the lungs and heart. Our intensive care and concern for our patients has emerged our team as the leading Asthma Physiotherapist near me . Rehab Program at our Clinic The rehabilitation program at our clinic extensively focuses on the well-being of our patients. We have various aids to their ailments such as Endurance Training, Strength Training, Chest physiotherapy, Nutrition Counselling, Counselling to reduce triggers and stress, Avoiding Smoking Cessation which are all our compassionate programs for helping you to return to an active and healthy lifestyle of yours and serving you to emphasize on things that matter and leaving your health care to us. The main components of our Rehab pro...